OpLaDyn is an international consortium is composed of interdisciplinary teams in Argentine, Brazil and France, winner of the Round 4 of the Trans-Atlantic Platform “Digging into Data” Challenge.
Organizing structure:
The Project coordinator, Laura Hernández, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modélisation (LPTM), UMR8089 CNRS- Cergy-Pontoise University, is responsible for the organization of global activities and assures the transfer of administrative and scientific information among the teams in different countries. She makes the synthesis of the final scientific report.
The Principal Investigators (PI) are responsible for the local organization of scientific activities in each of the participant countries. They guarantee the distribution of the funding received from each of the funding agencies among the members involved in the project, in the respect of the objectives stated in the OpLaDyn program. They are responsible for the local scientific and administrative final report.
PI Argentina: José Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin
PI Brazil: María Eunice Quilici-Gonzalez
PI France: Laura Hernández