International Journals and peer-reviewed Conference article
- Tomás Mussi Reyero, Mariano G. Beiró, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin, Laura Hernández, Dimitris Kotzinos, Evolution of the political opinion landscape during electoral periods. EPJDataScience, 10, Article number: 31 (2021) .
- Hendrik Schawe, Sylvain Fontaine and Laura Hernández. Phys. Rev. Research 3, 023208, (2021). The bridges to consensus: Network effects in a bounded confidence opinion dynamics model”.
- Hendrik Schawe &Laura Hernández. When open mindedness hinders consensus. Scientific Reports volume 10, Article number: 8273 (2020) .
- BOUKHALED, M.A., FAGARD, B. & T. POIBEAU. A predictive approach to semantic change modeling. In Digital Humanities Conference, DH2019. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- BOUKHALED, M.A., FAGARD, B. & T. POIBEAU. Modeling the Semantic Change Dynamics using Diachronic Word Embedding. Conference ICAART 2019, Prague, République Tchèque, 19-21 février 2019 (full paper).
- MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, Daniel; NAKANO, Natália; JORENTE, Maria José; CANTISANI, Mariana. Information Design, Information Science, and Knowledge Organization: a domain analysis from the perspective of complexity. Scire, v. 24, n. 1, p. 67-75, 2018.
- MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, Daniel; MOREIRA, Walter. Concept Relationships in Knowledge Organization Systems: Elements for Analysis and Common Research Among Fields. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, v. 56, n. 1, p. 1-21, 2018.
- RODRIGUES, M. V.; GONZALEZ, M.E.Q. Semiotic information in data-driven societies: Where are we heading? Education for Information, v. 34, pp. 1-16, 2018.
- H Schawe, MG Beiró, JI Alvarez-Hamelin, D Kotzinos, L Hernández. Who talks about what? Comparing the information treatment in traditional media with online discussions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.14393
Carlos Selmo, Julian F. Martinez, Mariano G. Beiró, J. Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin. Learning language variations in news corpora through differential embeddings.
Work in progress
- QUILICI-GONZALEZ, J.A; KOBAYASHI, G; GONZALEZ, M. E. Q., & BROENS, M.C. Habits and Rationality in the Dynamics of Opinion Formation: A Qualitative Approach to Autonomy in the Big Data Era.
SOUZA, E. A; QUILICI-GONZALEZ, J. A.; GONZALEZ, M.E.Q. The quantification of bodies: from contemplation to the (in)ability to be offline in the Information Society.
SOUZA, E. A; GONZALEZ, M.E.Q. Big Data: Philosophy of Science Contemporary Issues.
National journals
- Remi Perrier, Laura Hernandez. Sources d’information et orientation politique : ce que nous apprend Twitter. The Conversation. 11 mai 2022
FAGARD, B. OK – une histoire connue ? Lexique. 2019 (sous presse).
SOUZA, E. A.; GONZALEZ, M. E. Q.; VICENTINI, M. R. Big Data, Pós-verdade e o Novo Construtivismo: ainda há um lugar para o realismo? (Big Data, Post-Truth and The New Constructivism: Is There Still a Place for Realism?) In Semeiosis: Semiótica e transdisciplinaridade em revista, São Paulo, v.10, n.1, p. 28-41, Set. 2019.
MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, D. Hacia una base teórica social de la ciencia de la información. Anuario ThinkEPI, v. 12, n 1, p. 83-89, 2018.
ROMANINI, A. V.; LIMA, R. Interpretation of culture through data: the Big Data from southern epistemology. A interpretação da cultura através dos dados: os Big Data a partir da epistemologia do sul. Extraprensa, v. 11, n. 2, p. 7-22, 2018.
ROMANINI, A. V.; OHLSON, M. P.; GUARDA, R. F. da. Disinformation, dystopia and post-reality in social media: a semiotic-cognitive perspective. Education for Information.
Books and books’ chapters
Collective books editing
GHIZZI, E. B.; SOUZA DANTAS, L. F.; MADEIRA, M. S.; GONZALEZ, M.E.Q.; BROENS, M.C.; Aiub, M. (Org.). Seeds of Pragmatisms in Contemporary Times. Sementes do Pragmatismo na contemporaneidade. 1ed. SÃO PAULO: FiloCzar, 2018, v. 1, 386p
MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, SOUZA, E. A.; GONZALEZ, M. E. Q.;(orgs.). Informação, Conhecimento, Ação Autônoma e Big Data: Continuidade ou Revolução? (Information, Knowledge, Autnomous Actiona and Big Data: Continuity or Revolution? In: Marília, São Paulo: Oficina Universitária, Cultura Acadêmica & FiloCzar, 2019, v.1, 275 p. (in Press)
Book chapters
BOUKHALED, M.A., FAGARD, B. & T. POIBEAU. The Dynamics of Semantic Change: A Corpus-Based Analysis. LNAI Springer book series. 2019 (in print).
MORONI, J.; BROENS, M. C. Impacts of Big Data on human action: a pragmatic study. (Impactos dos Big Data na ação humana: um estudo pragmatista). In: Eluíza Bortolotto Ghizzi; Lúcia Ferraz Nogueira de Souza Dantas; Marcelo S. Madeira; Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez; Mariana Broens; Monica Aiub. (Org.). Sementes do Pragmatismo na contemporaneidade. 1ed. SÃO PAULO: FiloCzar, 2018, v. 1, p. 210-221. 2018.
MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, D.; SIMÕES, M.; RODRIGUEZ-BRAVO, B.; ALMEIDA, P.; EVANGELISTA, I. V. Approaches to the concepts of exhaustivity and specificity in ISKO International meeting proceedings: 2000-2017p. 58-65, 2018.
MORAES, J. A. ; BROENS, M. C.; D´OTTAVIANO, Í.M.L. On Information Ethics. (Sobre a Ética Informaciona). In: João Antonio de Moraes; Fernando de Assis Rodrigues; Nathália Cristina Alves Pantaleão. (Org.). Tecnologia e Sociedade: Discussões Contemporâneas. 1ed.São Paulo: FiloCzar, 2019, v. 1, p. 15-43.
GONZALEZ, M.E.Q.; SOUZA, SILVA, R.S; SILVEIRA, L. F. B. Admirability and Autonomous Action in the Era of Big Data. In: Eluíza Bortolotto Ghizzi; Lúcia Ferraz Nogueira de Souza Dantas; Marcelo S. Madeira; Maria Eunice Q. Gonzalez; Mônica Aiub. (Org.). Sementes de Pragmatismo na Contemporaneidade. 1ed. São Paulo: FiloCzar, 2018, p. 257-277.
GONZALEZ, M. E. Q. Autonomous action in complex mechanical systems: A real dilemma?. In: Frederick Adams; Osvaldo Pessoa Jr.; João Eduardo Kogler Jr.. (Org.). Cognitive Science: Recent advances and recurrent problems. 1ed.Delaware – EUA: Vernon Press, 2017, v. 1, p. 17-30.
In PEREIRA JÚNIOR, A.; PICKERING, W. A.; GUDWIN, R. R. (Eds.). Systems, self-organization and information: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. New York: Routledge, 2018.
BROENS, M. C. Self-Organization and action: a systemic approach to common action. p. 127-138
GONZALEZ, M. E. Q.; PEREIRA JUNIOR, A. The role of information in Self-Organization. p. 65-75, 2018.
GONZALEZ, M. E. Q.; MORAES, J. A. de. Complexity and informational privacy: a study in the systemic perspective. p. 139-150
ROMANINI, A. V. Prolegomena to a semeiotic theory of Self-Organization. p. 177-193, 2018.
In PESSOA Jr., O. F. ; ADAMS, F; KOGLER JUNIOR. J. E. (Eds.). Cognitive Science: Recent advances and recurrinng problems. 1ed.Wilmington: Vernon Press, 2017
BROENS, M. C.; MORAES, J.A.; CORDERO, A. F. Technology and society: The impacts of Internet of Things on individual’s daily life. p. 151-162.
GONZALEZ, M. E. Q. Autonomous action in complex mechanical systems: A real dilemma?, p. 17-30
In: RIBEIRO, F.; CERVEIRA, M. E. (Orgs.). Challenges and Opportunities for Knowledge Organization in the Digital Age. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, 2018.
MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, D.; EVANGELISTA, I. V.; SIMÕES, M; GUIMARAES, J. A. Epistemic communities, domain analysis, and Kuhn: dialogs and intersections in Knowledge Organization. p. 184-190, 2018.
MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, D; GUIMARAES, J. A.; GRÁCIO, M. C. C.; SALES, R. de. The Spirit of inquiry’s power to influence in 21st-century KO research: Jesse Shera and Margaret Egan. p. 184-190
MARTÍNEZ-ÁVILA, D.; SIMÕES, M.; RODRIGUEZ-BRAVO, B.; ALMEIDA, P.; EVANGELISTA, I. V. Approaches to the concepts of exhaustivity and specificity in ISKO International meeting proceedings: 2000-2017p. 58-65, 2018